I would like to share here what i received in my inbox today. It's more on devotional thought that the writer wants to share so i'm sharing it here:
What About?
From the book God Calling, we find this statement, “Leave all to Me.” Although this statement is not a direct quote from Scripture, it is in agreement with Scripture. Each of us needs to hear these words and let them sink deep into our hearts.
Leaving all to God does not mean that we become passive in our obedience to what He has asked us to do, that we become slack in our faithfulness, cold in our emotions, or lazy in our attitudes and actions. However, God, who is our all in all, wants us to leave our all with Him— all our cares, all our burdens, all our fears, all our worries. He wants us to leave our hopes with Him, our expectations with Him, our needs with Him, and our very lives with Him.
Are there exceptions? Are there things you should try and control or manipulate? God wants you to cast all your care upon Him, but you may ask…
What about:
My plans? “Leave them to Me.”
My possessions? “Leave them to Me.”
My friends? “Leave them to Me.”
My family? “Leave them to Me.”
My rights? “Leave them to Me.”
My desires? “Leave them to Me.”
My limitations? “Leave them to Me.”
My difficulties? “Leave them to Me.”
My career? “Leave it to Me.”
My security? “Leave it to Me.”
My reputation? “Leave it to Me.”
My ministry? “Leave it to Me.”
My happiness? “Leave it to Me.”
My future? “Leave it to Me.”
It is best for you to give everything to the Lord and to leave everything with the Lord.
One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. Ephesians 4:6 KJV
Excerpted from Meet Me In The Meadows

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